[added tarball to docs atsmyles@earthlink.net**20080908223519] hunk ./docs/index.html 8 -There is a R6RS distribution located at [[media:gambit-r6rs.tgz|gambit-r6rs.tgz]]. There is a compile script written in Gambit scheme that will compile all the libraries together into a loadable library. The libraries are divided into 3 layers; each layer being dependent on the previous layer. +There is a compile script written in Gambit scheme that will compile all the libraries together into a loadable library. The libraries are divided into 3 layers; each layer being dependent on the previous layer. hunk ./docs/index.html 22 - The source of this project is available as a darcs2 repository. + The source of this project is available as a darcs2 repository or tarball.