[updated docs atsmyles@earthlink.net**20091231233518] hunk ./docs/scheme-catalog.html 19 -??? 200-500 word abstract +This SRFI defines a file format to describe to an R6RS implementation how to find the files required for a library on a filesystem or other methods. It provides the capability of specifying different files based on the features provided by the implementation. It also provides a facility to provide meta-data about a library. hunk ./docs/scheme-catalog.html 22 - -??? Optional section that may point out things to be resolved. This - will not appear in the final SRFI. + hunk ./docs/scheme-catalog.html 29 -??? detailed rationale hunk ./docs/scheme-catalog.html 30 + hunk ./docs/scheme-catalog.html 42 -Copyright (C) Arthur T Smyles (2009). All Rights Reserved. +Copyright (C) Arthur T Smyles (2010). All Rights Reserved.