[create install documentation atsmyles@earthlink.net**20081230031143] hunk ./docs/index.html 1 + hunk ./docs/index.html 22 +
+ See installation instructions for details on how to install and test the packages +
addfile ./docs/install.html hunk ./docs/install.html 1 + + + + Before running the compile script, you will need to have the following defined in your .gambcini
+given a library name return a filename that points to the dynamic library to load. This is also used by the compile system to place the library in that location when you use ex:compile-file
You can use this one which will save all your libraries into "~/.gambit/lib"
+filename name)
+ (define library-path "~/.gambit/lib")
+ (define (name->string name delim)
+ (cond
+ ((and (pair? name) (null? (cdr name))) (name->string (car name) ""))
+ ((pair? name) (string-append (name->string (car name) "") delim (name->string (cdr name) delim)))
+ ((number? name) (number->string name))
+ ((symbol? name) (symbol->string name))))
+ (define (name&version name)
+ (cond
+ ((and (symbol? (car name)) (pair? (cdr name)))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (name&version (cdr name)))
+ (lambda (n v) (values (cons (car name) n) v))))
+ ((and (symbol? (car name)) (null? (cdr name))) (values name '()))
+ ((pair? (car name)) (values '() (car name)))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (name&version name))
+ (lambda (n v)
+ (path-expand
+ (if (pair? v)
+ ;TODO make versioning work
+ ;(string-append (name->string n "-") "." (name->string v ""))
+ (string-append (name->string n "-") ".o1")
+ (string-append (name->string n "-") ".o1"))
+ library-path))))